As we enter the season of giving, we ask you to support our mission to help save animals like Twinkle and Lolli – siblings who began their lives as stray puppies, left to fend for themselves on the streets in the South. Only because of animal lovers like you, would their rescue become possible. Not once, but twice. 

Saved from the potential fate of euthanasia in an overcrowded Southern facility, the puppies made it to the safe haven of North Country Animal League. Unfortunately, they had contracted canine distemper and only showed symptoms after their arrival. A highly contagious disease, this forced our dog wing to close and quarantine for five months. We remain grateful for ensuring every single dog made it through the outbreak and found their forever homes. Yet the need for support has become critical to our ability to recover from this difficult time. We continue to be faced with increased expenses and a loss of revenue from the pandemic, which has now been compounded by our shelter’s partial closure this year. Your generosity has helped us through these hard times. Now, the need is greater than ever before. 

We turn to you, the members of the NCAL community, to be a hero for animals and join us to continue to deliver our mission – and deliver joy to hundreds more animals and families in 2023. Thank you for giving whatever you can to help the animals. Gifts of every size help save lives. Visit to make your year-end gift today.