After a little over a month of rehabilitation at NCAL, Trooper was ready to be placed in a foster home where he could continue to gain strength and learn how to be out in the world and interact with new people and environments. Trooper’s foster family quickly fell in love with him and decided they wanted to offer him a forever home with them!
These days, Trooper enjoys walks with his mom, playdates at the dog park, snuggles with his siblings, and the security of a safe and loving home. His mom says, “His world is opening up and he’s all about it! He has such a likable and curious personality that it’s been pretty impossible for me to resist snapping tons of pictures of him as he explores and learns about the world outside of his crate. He is such a lovable goober and I’m so honored to have him by my side.”
If you want to continue to follow Trooper’s new life and adventures, his mom made him an Instagram page. You can find Trooper (now Roger) at @4_the_love_of_trooper
NCAL is extremely grateful to everyone who supported Trooper’s care and cheered him on as he made progress. Thank you for helping us show Trooper that there is love in the world and he deserves all the love his heart can hold!