Welcome to the North Country Animal League’s Pet Food Pantry!

At North Country Animal League (NCAL), we believe that every pet deserves a loving home and a full belly. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest program: the Pet Food Pantry, an initiative designed to support people in our community who may be facing difficulties in providing proper nourishment for their beloved pets.

Our Commitment: Keeping Pets and People Together

As prices continue to rise, we understand the challenges faced by many pet owners in our community. To ensure that no pet goes hungry and that people can continue to care for their furry friends, NCAL is committed to providing a helping hand through our Pet Food Pantry.

Who Can Participate:

This program is exclusively for pet owners who are experiencing hardships and need assistance in providing food for their pets. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can make it difficult to afford proper nutrition for your furry companions, and we are here to help.

How It Works:

Participating in our Pet Food Pantry is easy. Pet owners are invited to fill out our confidential online enrollment form to participate in the program. If you prefer to fill out a paper form, please come to the Pet Adoption Center during open hours and staff will assist you.
Rest assured that all personal information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and your information will never be shared with a third party.

Once your enrollment form is received and processed, you can visit the North Country Animal League premises to pick up pet food during one of two designated pick-up days.

Supporting Pets and People – Get Involved:

We believe that a strong sense of community is vital in creating a lasting impact. If you would like to support our Pet Food Pantry, there are several ways to get involved. You can donate pet food, volunteer at the pantry, or make a monetary contribution. Your generosity will directly benefit local pets and their people in need, making a positive difference in their lives.

Together, we can keep pets and their people together, ensuring that no one has to make the heartbreaking decision of parting with their furry friend due to financial constraints.

To enroll or learn more about the program, please complete the application form on this page or email community@ncal.com


Pet Food Pantry

Out of respect for our clients, and in an effort to reduce barriers to access needed pet resources, North Country Animal League does not ask for any documentation of need for this program. We trust that, in reaching out for assistance, you have exhausted other avenues of being able to provide food for your pet. We do request that you indicate whether you are at or beneath the 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL). This selection does not impact your ability to receive free pet food from NCAL. It is useful information for us to record for statistical purposes and for evaluating the program. All customer information is confidential and not shared with third parties. The Pet Food Pantry is only available during certain predetermined times each week, and it is the pet owner’s responsibility to be able to pick up food during that time frame.

About You

Your Name(Required)
Your Address

How Can We Reach You?

How can we get in touch to confirm enrollment and food pick up day?
Your Email Address

About Your Pets

What is your preferred food pick up day/time?


The next section is for data purposes only. It will not affect your enrollment into the pet food pantry. Please select the level that applies best to your household. The first number is the number of people in your household, the second is annual income.
Federal Poverty Level Guidelines:(Required)
Source: Vermont Legal Help Website, Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2023 Annual Income
NCAL’s Pet Food Pantry food supply comes from donated foods and as such I release NCAL, its employees, volunteers, and vendors, from any liability or responsibility of fees incurred, should my pet become ill after consuming food from the Pet Food Pantry.(Required)
NCAL’s Pet Food Pantry is designed to be a short-term solution for providing my pet with food during times of transition or difficulty. I agree that once I am able to provide my pet with food via other means or on my own, I will discontinue utilizing the Pet Food Pantry. This ensures there is always enough for those truly in need.(Required)
NCAL’s Pet Food Pantry is limited to donated foods, and as such we are not able to accommodate any brand requests, special diets, or provide prescription foods.(Required)

Join Our Community:

Stay connected with us on social media for program updates and heartwarming stories:

Thank you for supporting the North Country Animal League’s Pet Food Pantry Program. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of pets and their families in need!