In the News
News media and print publications aren’t horsing around — they’ve been barking about us for quite a while! We’ve fetched links to lots of stories that include North Country Animal League. Dig in!
Freedom Flight Lands in Morrisville with Three Rescue Dogs
Flexible Pathways students partner with North Country Animal League
Morrisville animal shelter set to reopen after Pandemic closure
Forever Home: Carmella
Forever Home: Meet Cory
Alleged dog abuser can’t have animals
Dogs rescued from overseas meat trade make their way to Vermont
Forever Home: Meet Blake
Forever Home: Meet Pipi & Boba!
Fundraiser helps homeless animals
How you can help ‘Raise the WOOF’
Vermont shelter looking for donations for injured horse
Help for people struggling to feed pets during the pandemic
Animal League provides meals for pets, families
Things get Mirky at North Country Animal League
Forever Home: Meet Sparrow
Forever Home: Look Out for Liam!
Vermont Animal Shelters Work to ‘Catten the Curve’
Donation allows NCAL to buy 14 acre horse farm
NCAL was once again voted as the Best Nonprofit in Lamoille County!
Teaching Compassion to Vermont’s Youngest Citizens
NCAL Claims Title in the 4393 Awards for Best Nonprofit in Lamoille County!
Humane Heroes Get Lessons In Caring