About Imzadi
Backstory: Arrived from a rescue partner
Personality: Imzadi is a beautiful Tortoiseshell cat who is incredibly sweet but can be quite timid, especially around strangers. She tends to hide in tunnels and under beds, but please don’t take her hiding as a sign of being unfriendly. She was found abandoned with her litter of kittens who have all found homes. After being abandoned, she is shy around new people. Staff and volunteers have been showing her lots of affection and she is getting a lot better and confident! With a little TLC, Imzadi has so much potential in her next home!
My ideal home would be: Imzadi is looking for kind, loving owners that will show her a little patience so she can feel comfortable. If you take the time to show her love, she will be your personal lap kitty! She would prefer a quieter home where she can come out of her shell and blossom!
Other History
Dogs: Unknown history with dogs
Cats: Unknown history with cats
Children: Unknown history with children
*When introducing a new pet to your household, an adult should be supervising any interactions with a child or another pet.